furbuyer.comby Moscow Hide and Fur |
Our Address is:
If you are coming to our warehouse, our general hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. We do not have a buyer on-site full time. Please call to make an appointment to come and sell your items.
Moscow Hide and Fur
1760 N Polk Ext
PO Box 8918
Moscow, ID 83843
Sent-In vs At-The-Door
Because we buy both locally and nationwide, some prices are applicable in different situations. Prices listed directly under a heading such as "Coyote" are purchased from all customers. Items under the Sent-In: Items Shipped To Us sub-heading apply to customers shipping hides in (for example, we cannot purchase rattlesnakes from Idaho or Washington) and items under the At-The-Door: Items Brought to Our Warehouse sub-heading apply to local customers bringing items to our warehouse (generally items that would not be economical to ship). Please don't imagine yourself driving cross country with a truck load of carcass coyotes to sell: you will be disappointed!
Questions or Comments?
Before you call or e-mail us - Please read this web site. Do not call or e-mail us asking for prices - everything we are buying is listed on this web site, so there is no reason to call or e-mail with these type of questions.
If you have unusual items, such as unusual color phases (albino, etc.) you may send us a list of what you have and prices, and we will let you know if we're interested. Due to the volume of messages, we cannot guarantee responses to these messages.
Phone: 208-882-0601 | fax: 208-882-5715
All merchandise is subject to grading. Lower grade skins have little or no value.
FURS: We can only use #1 quality furs for which we pay a premium. We cannot use damaged, secondary quality, or lower grade furs; do not ship them to us. On shipments of furs - we will call or e-mail you to confirm the price, or we will mail you a check and you will have two weeks to to approve or refuse the price offered. If you don't accept the price we offer, you are responsible for shipping charges to return the merchandise to you. On Skulls, we will pay you when we clean them and ascertain which are unbroken. See Skulls Section for more information.
Other items, including but not limited to, antlers, skulls, teeth, porcupine hair, quills, claws, snakes and rattles, etc. are not placed on hold.
Shipments that are buggy, or not thoroughly dried will result in delayed payment of 1-2 weeks or more.
We reserve the right to refuse to buy anything from anyone at anytime
All bobcats, lynx, and otter must have plastic CITES tags attached. Some states require tags on wolves, fisher, marten and other species. Is is against federal law to ship skins that require CITES tags or other tags in interstate commerce and legal protocols require us to turn any such skins received over to law enforcement.
NOTE: Federal law requires that all packages containing wildlife or parts be clearly marked with their contents. We assume that when you send us an item or items that you have checked with your Fish & Game Department and that these items can be legally sold according to the laws of your state. Please note that if you send us an item(s) that has been illegally taken or cannot be sold according to the laws of your state, that MOSCOW HIDE & FUR will hold you responsible for any penalties and legal fees incurred by MOSCOW HIDE & FUR. Prices listed on this web site are not to be construed as an offer to buy anything that is illegal for you to sell. Idaho License 729-16-000001
Do not ship any frozen items except in October, November, December, January, February and March. All frozen items are shipped at your risk. If they become rotten and carrier disposes of them, we accept no liablity of your loss. We do not accept liability for any furs which are not dried or tanned and which spoil in transit. You should ensure that these items get here as soon as possible, utilizing Priority Mail or Next Day, Second Day, or Third Day UPS unless you live close. Always ship on a Monday.
When shipping things that are not dried, it is best to freeze them inside styrofoam containers that have atleast 1" or thicker walls or plastic buckets, then put the styrofoam inside a box to ship. Never just put a plastic bag with frozen articles in a box and ship them. Note that for life-size frozen animals, we will at times repay you shipping charges.
We recommend you pack all shipments carefully and insure all merchandise against loss or damage in shipping.
You are responsible for shipping charges to us and return shipping charges if you decide not to sell. Do not send any merchandise COD - we will refuse the shipment.
In cases where we agree to refund your freight charges, we will base your refund on what it would cost us to ship your package to you. This will be UPS Grond or Priority Mail unless we specifically tell you to ship it in some other way. Be wary of big markups or fees at shipping stores.
Larger animals should be skinned cased, and the four feet should be left attached to the hide and cut off at the ankles and wrists. The skull should be left in the animal. Heads must be of #1 quality with no holes in the head and with good ears, noses, etc. Skull may be broken, but no holes in the hides. No green bellied skins.
You can wrap in plastic wrap, putting head, tails and feet inside. FREEZE in styrofoam containers that can be placed inside boxes to ship. You will be paid after the hides are unthawed and evaluated. At times, we will refund your shipping charges.
Game Bird Tails We will purchase only complete tails from mature birds. We do not want any tails that have feathers that are shorter than the other feathers, or tails that have feathers missing. You can bring tails to us either fresh or dried. If you dry them, tack them out to dry in the shape of a nice fan, with no gaps or spaces between the tips of the feathers. Make sure that you allow all the feathers to lie in their natural position. You will also find it is best to cut some of the meaty area from the base of the tail. All tails which are not completely dried and fanned are ½ off.
IDAHO HUNTERS: Before you can offer for sale a bear or cougar, you must check it in with the Idaho Fish & Game. On bear, they will pull two small teeth and collect hair samples (Moscow Hide & Fur is now an official check station for bears and cougar). All hunters: When you sell your bear or cougar or any part thereof, you must provide the license number, tag number, sex of the animal, date of kill, location of kill, and sign the bill of sale or a statement with this information recorded on it. The person who killed the animal must sign the sales slip. Dealers: We need a copy of this information.
Skulls should be shipped frozen on a Monday during the Months of November, December, January or February.
They should be placed in a styrofoam container or a plastic bucket that has a sealable top.
Freeze them in the container up until the time you wish to ship them.
Place your container in a box and ship ground UPS. We ask you to also add ice packs (not ice cubes in ziploc baggies) incase the package is lost in transit.
Make sure no liquids can leak from the container.
If you have a sizeable quantity of #1 quality skulls we will probably refund reasonable shipping costs.
Contact us before shipping skulls so that we can look for them.
DO NOT SEND ROTTING, SMELLING TEETH or those taken from rotting carcasses. We will return these to you as they are not saleable. When sending, just coat slightly in baby oil, mineral oil, or vegetable oil. Just a thin coating is all that is necessary to prevent cracking. The teeth do not need to be swimming in the liquid. Also, we have had several shipments which were sent is such a way that the liquid from smelly teeth has leaked from jars, plastic bags, etc., and soiled antlers, guard hairs, cleaned skulls, etc. If you ship in such a way as to soil other merchandise, we will return the merchandise to you and will not buy it.